Cómo juego la demo?

Entro creo el personaje y no puedo jugar o solo el juego está creado hasta ahí??

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I don’t speak or understand Spanish, but running your message through a translator I think you are asking if there is a playable level beyond the character customization.

At the moment, there is not a playable level beyond the character customization demo, but of course we are actively working on it.

Please note that for the convenience of an international audience, it’s best to post in English. I’ve just added that rule to the message that pops up when you first post.

when should we expect to come back to play a level?

It’s not the answer anyone likes to hear, but it’s a bit too hard to give an accurate timeline at the moment, an MMO simply has too many moving parts.

We are releasing an update this week, which will include a new race, then our main and only focus will be finishing the first level.

Check back in about a month and we might have a better idea of when we will be finished.